Monday, October 29, 2018


Cold and rain are not a good combination for my body . There is something about it that bothers my bones BUT  dressing  appropriately does  minimize  the negative impact.

Starting the fifth week of my body having what  has been a very  nasty virus, I decided not to bundle up  and walk on Saturday. I remained home.

Finally feeling  as though my body is on the mend I am  glad I made that decision. If it had been sunny I think I could have finally joined in.

What is comforting  to know is  that I can , after five weeks,  just walk right back in .

I am well aware that  after weeks of not doing 10 Ks  during the weekend and 10,000 daily steps during  the week, my body will protest. At least I think it will. I do not think -  in the 15 years I have been walking the distance -  I have missed so may scheduled walks.

Within the four full weeks of the illness it has been comforting for me to know that there are TPWs out there walking the distance. If I let my mind wander, I can hear the chatter and the soft sound of the sneakers hitting the ground.  

I hear that five TPWs recently walked the distance in the cold and rain  .

I want to thank you for keeping the torch burning.

It means a lot.