Monday, October 15, 2018

Early New Years Resolution

Crisp. That was the first word that came to my mind Saturday morning. I’m not able to get out with the group for a few weeks, but I still try to get out on my bike or for a slower walk around my neighbourhood. And on Saturday morning it was crisp. I hope all of you brave souls dressed for the weather!

It was cloudy first thing, but as the day wore on, the sun began to creep out. There is something special about the way the sun shines in the fall on a partly cloudy day. The cool shade of the clouds gives way to an intense brightness that warms the soul. The blazing yellow and crimson leaves flame bolder in that angled light. As much as I already miss the the heat of the summer, the crisp freshness makes me look forward to the fall. 

Fall, Autumn, October, a new season with all its own merits. It’s called me to make a resolution (who needs to wait for the New Year?) to train right through the winter. As TPW, we are committing to walk each Saturday, or each one we can manage, to keep ourselves fresh, and crisp, and young-at-heart.

Whether I’m out with the group or out on my own, TPW is there with me. The sunshine that warms my soul.